Mensans wishing to apply to speak at the 2025 Brisbane AMC should email a transcript summary of their proposed talk to:
Vicki Herd at
There are a number of speakers under consideration so we cannot guarantee a spot to all applicants, particularly if topics are repeated.
All talks should last approximately 45 minutes to provide time for questions. We are interested in speakers for both the adult and child programs. We anticipate offering individual programs for both high school and primary school aged Mensans. Please indicate if you wish to speak to adults, or children, or both,
People are encouraged to speak about any topic of interest, or about their passion. Mensans enjoy hearing and learning about different ideas. Successful topics shared at Mensa conferences have ranged from "String Theory" to "The Worst Movies Ever Made." People often share their travel experiences, or unusual careers such as "Meteorite Chasing" or "Photos of Various Gross Diseases."
If there is a person you believe would make an excellent speaker at our event, please also refer them to